Rotarians are quick to respond to disasters, within 24 hours of the earthquake in Haiti the officers of the Elizabethtown Rotary Club were in discussion as to how to be the most effective from such a distance. The decision was unanimous. "Without a doubt, let's send a ShelterBox...no, let's send TWO!"
So, what's in a ShelterBox?
So, what's in a ShelterBox?
And watch this video on CNN.
And watch this video on CNN.
And what is ShelterBox's relationship to Rotary, besides bearing
its emblem on the top and side of every box created?
And why is ShelterBox so special?
This report of quick relief action in Haiti through Rotary's partnership with ShelterBox, was excerpted from ROTARY INTERNATIONAL:
A ShelterBox response team of two U.S. Rotarians and one from the United Kingdom has already mobilized and delivered 1,700 containers of supplies to the affected areas. Another 1,600 will be dispatched from the U.K. to Port-au-Prince. Also, more than 100 Aquaboxes are being delivered to Haiti to provide safe water.
Claude Surena, a member of the Rotary Club of Petion-Ville and president of the Haitian Medical Asscociation, is sheltering more than 100 people in his damaged home in Port-au-Prince. He is also leading the efforts of the 17 Haitian Rotary clubs to ensure that the ShelterBox containers will be deployed effectively to the thousands left homeless.
CNN is following the path of a ShelterBox from its origin point in England until it arrives at a family or facility in Haiti
There are other ways to help provide for long-term relief through Rotary. One is through the Foundation by contributing to a donor advised fund. You can read more about that here to see if it is right for you:
It is impossible to look at the television each night and not want to be there, to reach out, to lend a helping hand, to comfort the injured and console the grieving people of this small, greatly impoverished, but strong-hearted nation. So give of yourself whatever you can.. both in dollars and in prayers.